contracts, employee inventions, legal advice, strategy
The Team
The Team
The Team
The Team
Philippe BRUN
General Partner, founder of MED’INVENT Consulting
French and European Patent Attorney
Philippe BRUN’s vision is of an approach focused on listening, understanding and meeting the needs of the client. For the protection of the technical innovations of its customers, it envisages personalized support projects and a bespoke service.
Philippe BRUN and his team are now assisting their clients in a context where activity has continued to grow, confirming the success of a vision.
Philippe BRUN is involved in all matters relating to the drafting of patent applications, the management of procedures, freedom of use studies, documentary research and technical analysis of patents of third parties, the establishment of innovation management. He also offers introductory courses on Intellectual Property at engineering schools.
Ingénieure Brevets
Forte de cette expérience et de son expertise technique en matériaux et procédés, Maud CHAVANIS s’intéresse alors de plus près au domaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle et rejoint MED’INVENT Consulting en 2020, venant ainsi renforcer l’équipe d’ingénieurs brevets. Elle intervient sur toutes les questions touchant à la rédaction de demandes de brevets, à la gestion des procédures et aux analyses techniques de brevets de tiers.
Manager of Patent operations
Patent Paralegal
Isabelle BATAL
Financial Assistant
Carole HAON
Administrative Assistant